Diffusion and Use of Water Softeners
Water softeners have become widely used in homes throughout Italy, especially in recent years.
This phenomenon is linked to the growing consumer awareness of the effects of limescale on appliances, piping, and, last but not least, on the quality of everyday life: hard water, in fact, represents a common problem in many regions.
Faced with these inconveniences, more and more families have chosen to invest in water softening systems.
How Do Water Softeners Work?
Softened water is a type of treated water that removes calcium and magnesium minerals that cause scaling in our appliances and pipes.
The transformation from “hard” water to “softened” water occurs through an exchange of sodium ions, fixed on the resins, and calcium and magnesium ions contained in the water: the resins capture the calcium and magnesium salts and release sodium ions. This process does not remove other essential minerals for human health.
To restore the resins to new efficiency and ensure effectiveness, it is sufficient to periodically regenerate them with sodium chloride: this operation, completely automatic, is called regeneration and involves running brine through the resins.
But is Drinking Softened Water Safe for Health?
First of all, it is good to remember that in Italy, the quality of water is regulated by Legislative Decree 18/2023, which sets rigorous standards for water intended for human consumption and ensures that softened water meets all safety and quality requirements.
The softener keeps the sodium content in the softened water within safe limits and ensures that it does not exceed 200 mg per liter (the maximum limit established by regulations), a level considered safe for daily consumption.
For those following low-sodium diets, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor or expert nutritionist to evaluate any alternatives and obtain personalized advice based on specific needs.
Benefits of Softened Water
In addition to safety, softened water also offers several health benefits. For example, it can contribute to softer skin and better hydration.
Finally, the water softener removes only calcium and magnesium, leaving all other mineral salts unchanged, thus contributing to our daily intake of essential nutrients, fundamental for general health and our well-being.
Maintenance of the Water Softener
To constantly ensure the quality of the water, regular maintenance of the softener is recommended. Periodic inspection of the system ensures that the water remains clean, safe, and free of impurities.
Want to know more?
If you want to learn more and evaluate all available options, contact us!
We will be happy to guide you towards a conscious choice tailored to your family.