Water System Maintenance: How to Keep Them Efficient and Safe Over Time

Maintenance primarily aims to keep your equipment healthy, maximize its potential, and extend its reliability over time.

Maintenance can be either routine or extraordinary, but what makes it effective is consistency and planning: through periodic interventions, you will be able to maintain the operational efficiency of your systems.

Not just reliability, lifespan, and operational efficiency, but also safety: a well-maintained system will less likely malfunction, and with periodic maintenance, it is possible to identify and fix minor issues before they become major ones. 

The typical system includes the installation of:

  • Cartridge filter: to retain all suspended substances in water like sand, iron flakes, or limestone
  • Ion exchange softener: to remove limestone
  • Proportional doser: to ensure the creation of a protective film around the metal parts in contact with water and to guarantee anti-corrosive protection

Maintenance of a Cartridge Filter

The frequency of maintenance is determined by the type of cartridge installed.

  • For Nylon Washable socks (CL, CL2, CL7), it is recommended to replace them approximately every year, aside from regular cleaning with running water.
  • For polypropylene wound disposable cartridges (CCA, CCA2, CCA7), replacement is recommended upon clogging.
  • Activated carbon cartridges (CC, CC2) should be replaced every six months.
  • Stainless steel cartridges (CX, CX2, CXE, CXE-2, CXE-1, CX7) are durable, aside from regular cleaning with running water and a stiff-bristled brush.
  • The Grilamid cup (a highly durable plastic material on the market) should be replaced every three years.

Consequences of Delayed or Neglected Maintenance of a Cartridge Filter

Clogging of cartridges results in a loss of filter operability, leading to decreased flow rate and pressure and a slowdown in water flow.

Deterioration of the cup due to wear can cause micro-cracks with water leakage.

Maintenance of a Water Softener

For water softeners, routine maintenance is recommended once a year to check the condition of components subject to normal wear.

Every 10 years, the resins should be replaced: this is extraordinary maintenance but essential to ensure your water is softened.

Consequences of Delayed or Neglected Maintenance of a Water Softener

Maintenance preserves your equipment, keeps it efficient, and prolongs its performance; skipping maintenance can result in expenses that could have been spread over the years.

Deciding not to replace the resins or forgetting to do so can make you spend equally unnecessary money: exhausted resins do not soften the water and, unless your system has a mechanical fault, you will continue to refill it with salt for nothing.

It goes without saying that a non-functioning softener will not remove limestone with all the well-known consequences: damaged appliances, clogs in pipes, increased detergent consumption with consequent environmental damage, etc.

Maintenance of a Proportional Doser

The frequency of a polyphosphate recharge is determined by various factors, such as water use and quality.

On average, a 500-gram pure polyphosphate powder recharge lasts about six months. The Grilamid cup has a replacement frequency of three years.

Consequences of Delayed or Neglected Maintenance of a Proportional Doser

A doser without a polyphosphate recharge cannot limit the corrosive action on the systems and pipes. The deterioration of the cup due to wear can cause micro-cracks with water leakage.

Remember: maintenance on filters (washing/replacement of cartridges) and dosers (recharging of polyphosphate) can be performed independently, without the need for specialized personnel.

For the disassembly of our equipment, we have designed a convenient closure and semi-clamps that make the use of old tightening keys obsolete and allow for simple and completely safe maintenance.

For softeners, however, it is essential to contact an authorized service center: consult our website and find the nearest one to you.

Finally, ensure that your trusted technician installs shutoff valves, bypasses, and pressure reducers.

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